Thursday, August 18, 2005


Moms for Peace

Cindy still sits. Bush still vacations.

Thousands of activists all over the country participated in vigils last night in support of Cindy.
She has invited the president to join her to pray for the troops tomiorrow at noon. I wonder if he'll show, since it might be bad PR if he doesn't join her.

Write to Laura Bush
Today, women who have been sitting with Cindy Sheehan will be writing and attempting to hand-deliver letters to Laura Bush. As part of a woman-to-woman, mother-to-mother appeal, Cindy's supporters will ask the First Lady to urge her husband to take time from his vacation to answer the questions of a grieving mother. Cindy's supporters, led by her sister Dede Miller, will then conduct a three-mile march from Camp Casey to the gate of George Bush's ranch. Join them by writing a letter to Laura Bush that will be delivered by the marchers.

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