Friday, September 23, 2005


Another baby step

Today I listed the Plymouth Peace Vigil with United for Peace & Justice, so anyone looking of a local vigil will find us. I also sold some peacethings and gave away more buttons.


harvest festival

Yesterday I sold Peace Things at the Plymouth Farmers' Market Harvest festival. I gave away a lot of peace buttons. I signed a petition to restore our national guard to the homeland. Sheesh. This, when Jim's frined Billy who is 53 years old is getting sent to Iraq w/ the guard. Fifty-three! And meanwhile Mother Nature is screaming with hurricanes, saying, Get back here and take care of your own!

Thursday, September 22, 2005


the vigil

Yesterday I made a sign to carry and incorporated the flag below - Military Families speak out for PEACE. I joined our little vigil in Plymouth Center last night with my candle and sign. I gave each attendee a peace button.

Today I am having a Peace Things tent at the Plymouth Farmer's Market's Harvest Folk festival.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005


or maybe like this

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


flag flying

I ordered a blue star banner to which I will applique a peace symbol. It will look something like this:

Sunday, September 18, 2005


peace of mind

Today I took a run, and meditated while stretching, acknowledging the peace on the beach - the soft, lapping waves, the gentle breeze, the earth beneath my feet, the white white clouds in the blue sunny sky, and this is my mantra: May Peace Prevail on this Planet, and let me be an instrument of that peace.

I also gave a way a bunch of peace buttons.

Saturday, September 17, 2005


Baby Steps To Peace

As Cpt. Phoebe heads to Kuwait tomorrow on her way to Al-Taji airbase a mere 20 miles from Baghdad, I have decided that, to honor her, I will take one small action every day to help create a culture of peace. I'll be using this blog to log my actions.

Today I wrote a letter to Rep Delahunt in support of creating a US Department of Peace. This is what I said:
I urge you to support the establishment of a United States Department of Peace. We need a Secretary of Peace in the President's cabinet. As my daughter, Cpt. Phoebe Price heads for Kuwait on her way to Al-Taji airbase tomorrow as forward support for the 4th Infantry, I am knowing that this war did not need to happen. A Department of Peace can shift the paradigm of our government, and as Hurricane Katrina showed, keep us safer and stronger here at home. Please support this effort, and help America start to build a culture of peace.

You can write your congress people, too. Go here: or just write in support of Bill #HR 3760, or call them up. You can find their contact info here:

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