Wednesday, June 01, 2005


Impeach Bush

I usually try to keep my peace business non-political, but Bush has just gone too far.

My daughter was in Afghanistan when my country attacked Iraq. That's why I started PeaceThings - so I could turn my despairing energy into something productive. Now, my beautiful daughter is headed for Iraq in September. Knowing how this administration lied to get this war underway, how our budget resources have been plundered, how our true security is being ignored; just how wrong this focus is, I offer you resources to get the impeacment ball rolling. Heck, all Clinton did was tell a little lie about a blowjob. Bush has told huge lies that have cost the lives of many people, not just soldiers, men, women and children who just happened to be in Iraq doing their jobs and living their lives. And then there's that religious business. I'd have him impeached on that count alone. The fact that he's trying to get our constitution amended so that gay people aren't considered equal and not allowed to enjoy the same rights as straight couples. And then there's that business of checks and balances he's trying to relieve the administraion of having to participate in - nuclear option, eh? The reasons are too many to list here. So, go to these sites and sign on to impeach the jerk who would have my daughter killed like a pawn in his stupid game of Gimme.

I'm right there with you!! Impeach the "King of Crackers"
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