Tuesday, May 17, 2005


The Way It Is

The Democrats' mistake was in thinking that a disastrous war, national
bankruptcy, erosion of liberties, corporate takeover of government,
environmental destruction, squandering our economic and moral
leadership in the world, and systematic Administration lying would be of concern to the electorate.

The Republicans correctly saw that the chief concern of the electorate
was to keep gay couples from having an abortion.

Hmm, with all respect, the Demos mistake was assuming that looking down their noses at those whose votes they need is a clever election strategy.

If your party is serious about winning, and implementing your agenda, consider dropping the superior pose.

Independants like myself (those whose votes you need, remember us?) see the superior pose as self indulgent dead weight baggage revealing a lack of seriousness about governing.

You need the middle, your base isn't big enough to win on it's own. Clinton knew that, and he won twice. I voted for him once, and even Gore once too.

Those left of Clinton don't get that they need the middle, and that's why they've been losing consistently since the 60's. Ya wanna win, or ya wanna be holier than thou? Which?

Just as you do with your daughter, you don't need to agree with those you hope to convert, just respect them.

I voted for Bush last time, and half the people in our family are gay, and we're pro-choice.

Give us real alternatives, instead of snobbery, and you've got a shot at us the next time around.

Good luck!
Who is assuming what? I am an un-enrolled voter (what you call an independent which means a member of the independent party), so your assumption that I am a snobbish democrat is completely erroneous.
A little respect goes a long way; I encourage you to follow your own advice. I was no supporter of the last democratic candidate, but I certainly cannot support the policies of the current administration.
Good luck to you.
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