Sunday, January 16, 2005


Please help PeaceThings support UNICEF's relief efforts in South Asia

I just created The PeaceThings' Cyber Team for UNICEFs Tsunami Relief Fund, and I'm recruiting! :) PLEASE JOIN US to support UNICEF's relief efforts.
You can go to and click the link on the homepage, or go straight from here to Our Team Page at UNICEF I'm committed to raising at least $1,000. so any small amount will be deeply appreciated.

UNICEF, the United Nations Children's Fund, needs to raise $145 million in order to provide urgent humanitarian aid for the estimated 1.5 million children affected by the crisis in South Asia, many of whom have been orphaned or separated from their families and are in critical need of basic care and support. UNICEF has estimated that children account for more than one-third of tsunami deaths.

Any gift you make will enable UNICEF to deliver emergency assistance including medicines, oral rehydration salts to prevent diarrheal dehydration, high-protein biscuits to prevent malnutrition, basic shelter materials for displaced families, water purification tablets, clothing and blankets.

Just $5 can provide an emergency health kit for one person for three months, with medical supplies and drugs to cover basic health needs.
$87 can provide a basic family water kit for ten households, with detergent, soap, wash basin, towels, bucket and water purification tablets.
$188 can provide one "School-in-a-Box" kit containing education supplies for 80 children during times of crisis.

UNICEF's dedication and tireless efforts to assure the survival of those affected by this natural disaster are unwaivering. I am proud to support their lifesaving programs at this most crucial time. Please join me and make a donation today.
Donate Now!

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